Amazon Affiliate Program 2020

Amazon Affiliate Program 2020

Amazon Affiliate Program 2020

hey everybody today we're talking about the Amazon affiliate program it's called Amazon Associates why are we doing that today we're doing this because I'm getting a lot of questions from viewer s which is awesome by the way about affiliate programs about getting started in affiliate marketing about monetizing a new blogger you know what's out there that you can actually do an engage to try and start earning money online so what we're doing is we're covering lots of different affiliate programs and just going through them and looking at what makes them a good place to get started or not so let's just go through the Amazon Associates affiliate oh it's the Amazon Associates Program which is also known as the Amazon affiliate program so what I'm going to do is minimize my face and just go here to the website and take a look at where you can find the Amazon affiliate program the website is affiliate - program Amazon com but if you just search Amazon Associates you'll find a link that will get you right here this is Amazon.

Amazon Affiliate Program 2020

you see here you know it's Amazon Associates what I like about the Amazon affiliate program is that one it's free to join which makes it I think superior to a lot of programs that require that you spend money to be a part of their program I don't like that I don't think that that's a great place for people who are just getting started to have to pay to play I also like that the Amazon Associates affiliate program is really easy to join now one thing about the Amazon Associates Program is that if you can't get a qualified sale if you don't get a sale within the first I think six months they kick you out of the program and you'll have to reapply at a later date so if you're just getting started with your blog and you know that you're not gonna have any traffic for a long time it can make sense to wait to join Amazon Associates until you actually have traffic or you can actually refer a sale to the program so that you can stay in it you know it's great it's a great program for people when they're getting started when they do have some traffic because one it's Amazon right it makes it really easy to talk about on your on a blog because people already trust and you don't have to work to cause them to trust that the link that you're that you're giving them is trustworthy that the place where they're gonna buy the product is trustworthy you can spend more time talking about the product and solving their problem rather than convincing them to click on the link if your tutorial or your content is high quality 

Amazon Affiliate Program 2020

Amazon Affiliate Program 2020

they see in that content that this product that you're recommending is necessary they're not going to hesitate to click on the link and go to make the purchase because it's Amazon you don't have to do any work to to help them understand how awesome Amazon is so that's one great thing about the program one of the downsides though that I don't like about it is that the Commission's are really I would say fairly small we're looking right in here in the Amazon Associates they call it fees rather than commissions but their fee schedule you know the top commissions you're going to get are 10% and that's in luxury beauty and Amazon coins you know furniture is only 8% headphones musical instruments 6% outdoors tools the five and a half percent digital music is only 5 percent toys is 3 percent physical article games and game consoles is only 1 percent so if you manage to refer somebody who comes over and buy something for $100 you make a dollar it's really hard to want to say yes this is something you should just dump all of your time and effort into it's a great place to get started but if you're gonna put a ton of time and effort into creating content it's really hard to say that Amazon Associates is better than let's say you know web hosting where you could get 20 30 50 $100 per referring one customer or for a program that has a recurring income like click funnels or any of the other digital software's where they pay you every single month for that one customer scrolling down you know to Amazon Associates they also have bounty events so every time somebody signs up for one of their services there is abounding like there but the baby registry you get $3 and the Amazon Music Unlimited trial is $3 Amazon Prime is $3 so I mean there's lots of different ways to make money with Amazon Associates but to really make a living from this you're gonna have to have a lot of referrals and you have to have a lot of traffic and I'm not saying it's not possible because it absolutely is and a lot of people out there make really good money with the Amazon Associates program but you have to have a lot of traffic you have to have a lot of sales now it used to be that what people would do is just push people to Amazon and then Amazon would pay you if they maybe they didn't buy what it is you referred them to but they went and shopped around on Amazon and bought something else and you would get a commission for that and Amazon is working I think on phasing out that as an option they're not making it so that you can get big Commission's on things that you didn't refer people to because they see how much money people were making simply by bouncing people over to Amazon so is Amazon Associates a good place to refer customers and to earn money it absolutely is is it the best place for a beginner to start yes

Amazon Affiliate Program 2020

and no yes in that you have one affiliate program that gives you access to thousands of different products so you don't have to go and register for 10 or 20 or 30 or 100 different affiliate programs to be able to promote a hammer and a nail and a t-shirt and blankets you know it's all in one program and that makes organizing and keeping track of things a lot easier because there's one dashboard there's one place and you can have access to everything so you could just make tons of articles on your you know here's me doing this and here's me doing this and it all goes to one place which I really like because I really love having to sign up and manage all these different portals all these different payments all these different things you know with all the different login information's you know what what email address did I use and then you're getting all of their emails I mean it's obnoxious to belong to a thousand different affiliate programs which is one of the reasons don't do it but again you have to get your first sale within the first six months or they will boot you so just keep that in mind is it and I mean in in overall is it a good place for people to be I think it is but I don't know that I would concentrate a hundred percent on doing just Amazon Associates I think that I would incorporate products into your maybe your website from Amazon Associates along with other affiliate products so you just make it one of the websites one of the places where you try to earn income and not just make it your sole source of affiliate commissions because again if something changes with the Amazon Associates Program you're totally just out a whole bunch of money and there are a lot of people who have participated in the Amazon's associate program and made a bunch of money with it and then found that the the fee rates are the bounties are the the Commission's just dropped dramatically down to one percent and then your whole business just goes so anyway if you are a member of Amazon Associates and you have any thoughts or questions or just anything you want to share for other people who are thinking about getting involved in Amazon Associates please let us know what you think in the comments then as always like share do all the social stuff I love people who comment and ask questions on the articles I think it's awesome you're awesome alright guys we'll see you in the next one. 

MzB B2

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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