How To Make Money On Twitter
How To Make Money On Twitter :-Friends, the purpose of writing my post is that if you use the internet, then you can earn a little money by giving a little time to Twitter, there are many students who can learn about online earning.
I am Bitu show you how to make some freaking money on Twitter today I will be showing you how to turn fifty dollars into five hundred dollars on Twitter every single day fifty dollars in a 500 every single day using the power of reaching the three hundred and thirty million people that use Twitter every single day and I'll be showing you how to reach them and sell them products that you can earn Commission's on so you can turn fifty dollars in ad spend into five hundred dollars in commissions for you.
you can get paid via PayPal via check you can get the money via bank wire to your bank account and I'll be going over my three-step system people product place the people product place system and I'll be going over everything right here on my computer walking you through step by step by step exactly how you reach the people the place you sell them and the products you can sell them that can earn you money how the money will be getting to you everything will be laid out front to finish this will be a long article and another disclaimer is this article can be done anywhere in the world no matter where you're from no matter how old you are no matter how young you are no matter where you're citizen of doesn't matter but disclaimer is you will need fifty dollars because we will be setting up a website in this article setting up an ad so you'll need fifty dollars to play along but if you play full out I promise you this will be one of the most life-changing articles in learning marketing you've ever been through in your life and hold me to it stick with me we'll be going into this in just a second here let's get it [Music] whoo-hoo I get really excited about marketing if you've noticed because I love marketing and my goal is to be the number one marketing teacher in the world and in this article I'll be showing you how you can turn $50 in ad spend and registering website into 500 dollars in commissions that you can put in your PayPal account bank account or you can receive via a check that goes to your address using Twitter ads to reach the 330 million people that use it every day and the great part about ads is that they are scalable they are fast and they're effective let's get into this scalable is a big thing this whole training is sort of a preview for what you would receive in my 6-week course you're looking for a step by step thing at the end of this article if you want more make sure to check out my super affiliate system six-week training course and I give more resources I give more ad templates to give more everything about how you can take yourself from zero to hero and learn the skills you need and get the resources and support and coaching that you'd need to be successful in this industry before we get on my computer let me talk to you a little bit about how this whole setup works so first of all people we need people to sell to we need a place to sell them and we need a product in which we can earn commissions from selling.
the people we've already talked about we're gonna be reaching them through Twitter ads okay we pay money and we get an ad in front of hundreds or thousands of people the place we will be selling people is a website and I'm gonna walk you through how to set up a website now if you've never set up a website before but you're committed to taking action I promised you is I will show you everything step by step about how to go through this process and set up your website that is functional without doing any programming and that will sell people on a product that will earn you commissions are you committed if I show you all that are you coming to going in going all in and actually doing this and making one of the biggest steps that you'll ever make in terms of marketing your marketing career and just type in I'm all-in in the comments below if you're all-in if I hold true to my promise and show you everything step by step that doesn't require any programming let me know if you're committed to going all- in on this article last part is we're gonna set up a product and the product that will pay you commissions is an affiliate offer and the reason why this is so great is because with every other business model you either have to dropship you have to order products in advance or you have a warehouse or you have to send them to Amazon or buy them from Alibaba or you have to offer customer service or you have to have an actual address for people to ship returns to that is really annoying and that'll be really difficult for you to do you don't need a company to do this the product will be selling it's my book it's called work at home secrets and it is a workbook it has exercises showing people over a hundred different ways that they can get started for themselves working from home this is something that almost everybody would want and it's very low barrier to entry so it's gonna be very easy for you to sell it if you can't get somebody to buy something that cost $1.00 on the internet got to work a little bit harder but I'm gonna show you here's an example on page 36 it shows people 15 different ways that they can actually sell products online and do task based work that'll pay them to work from home so this is a great book to sell online it only costs one dollar and that is the product you'll be selling that you earn Commission's on the way it works is you get somebody to spend a dollar and you will end up receiving thirty five dollars in commissions per month for generating that customer thirty five dollars in commissions per month because there's a membership component to that basically you're gonna earn a lot of money so let's get right into the system I'm gonna zoom through this this is a big commitment and once again disclaimer here don't watch this article if you're not willing to put $50 in because we're gonna have to buy a website in this article it's a whole process and also if you're watching on a mobile phone I see you I see most of you I see the majority of my audience is sitting on their mobile phone in their dormitory on their bed kind of slouched and you're watching this on portrait mode right please for the sake of this article.
I know you want to scroll through the comments you're skeptical you want to see if everybody's doing it and it's working flip it to landscape mode or maybe this Website isn't for you unsubscribe it's fine I don't care and for everybody else I really encourage you to watch this article on a desktop computer we're gonna be going over a lot of stuff you're gonna want to see what's on my screen you're gonna want to pause the article open up a new tab and play along to make this happen so let's get on my computer let's start making this happen let's put this people place product system into action and use it to make some money I'm gonna walk you through every step and just another thing is that we're gonna be doing this in the opposite order so first we are actually gonna start with product we're gonna start by signing up for the affiliate network that's gonna give us our affiliate link for our affiliate offer the second part is we're gonna set up our website to advertise and the third step is we're going to set up our ads on Twitter so now our website can reach people and people can go to our website click our affiliate links and buy the product that you are selling so let's get into it is gonna be fun it's gonna be a while I'm really stoked and I hope to instill a love of marketing as well in you in this arrticle because I love marketing it's made me a multi-millionaire as you see around me made over a million dollars Clickbank platinum last year YouTube Ward I'm a the two comma Club in click funnels from doing this so it's really exciting it's afforded me a really nice lifestyle where I live on multiple acres on a horse ranch in beautiful Malibu California I have a house I just bought another house I'm gonna buy another house it's crazy and I've done this all from the computer and if you want to read more about my story subscribe and check out my story on my Website home page it hasn't been very easy and I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth so you can learn about my process of fear of judgment of depression of anxiety of stress all that stuff in my youtube website to understand.
this is a skill and anybody can do it was hard for me to learn it but you can do it a lot easier I'm giving you what I always wanted so let's have some fun here and let's play along so first off there's going to be a resource file which I'm going to go through which is backslash resource and you're going to want to pop that up during this article if you're on a desktop or laptop computer again if you're on a mobile phone and portrait mode but you're gonna want to pop up this resource guide because this is a Google document that will show you all of the methods I teach and has a lot of things going on so in this thing you'll want to go over to Twitter adds a little link that says Twitter ads so you'll want to click that and we'll go down to an area that says Twitter ads this is where you'll just follow along with me will start product place people and you'll get some of the links there so the first step is we need a product to sell and again we're selling this product but in order to sell it and get commissions for it you're gonna need to set up an affiliate account now we go to digi store did you store accepts people no matter what age they are no matter what country are from and all that stuff so you'll click there to sign up it'll either have up sign in box or you will sign up here so you can just click sign up and you'll have to fill out a bunch of information you'll have to check some boxes and then you'll be able to register for free and get started to get your affiliate links going on so you can get the first step of this done once you've set up your account on digi store and once you're logged in your dashboard will look something like this maybe it won't have as much money coming in each day because you just started your account but what you'll do is you'll go over to the marketplace and this is not a market place where you buy stuff this is a marketplace which is things you can sell and make money from so click on marketplace right there and then you're gonna search my last name so there's a lot of products you can sell and as you see they say how much commission you can earn how much money you can generally make we're gonna do is we're gonna search my last name right there or you can actually go into the internet marketing an e-business category and I believe my product will be the number one product there so you can select either of those and you will be taken to where my product is so here's my product which is work at home secrets which is this book again slightly different cover but it's the same book and you earn 90 percent Commission per sale now the earnings is a little bit off because you can also promote my training course the super affiliate system to offers 50% Commission per sale but it costs a lot more but we're gonna focus on this because I want you to get an easy conversion stuff getting somebody to spend thousand dollars it's much easier to get somebody spend $1 and you get 90%.
so let me just show you so we're gonna click right here this is where we're getting our affiliate link and we're gonna click right click and we're just gonna click copy and what I like to do is pop up a notepad and just throw my link in the notepad just to save it because we're gonna need to reference this we're gonna need to copy this link in just a little bit so right there you see that is what we call affiliate link or my offer link there's different ways people call it so there we go that's all we need to do on digi store just to show you where that goes if we actually go to my affiliate link you'll see it goes to my product which says start working at home today again it's called work at home secrets it's teaching people how they can work at home as opposed to for a boss at a job and the whole page is built to really sell people on why they should buy the book and if you click this button you'll see a little questionnaire and they get to buy the book now you'll notice that it's one dollar today the one dollar trial but after 30 days it's 40 dollars monthly and that means people are getting weekly trainings from millionaire home based business experts of mine and that's what they're subscribing to do they can cancel anytime but when somebody buys the book you get 90 percent of the recurring commissions for the subscription so effectively you get $35 per sale okay so just to give you the numbers if you can get two people spending one dollar a day with your advertising what that equals is an extra twenty one hundred dollars in monthly recurring income and I created this product and this training and I set up the commission structure specifically to help you out now you might be asking why am i giving away 90% well it's because if I just get 10% of hundreds or thousands of people's efforts then it ends up working out for me alright and I want to spread the word and I want to be the number one marketing teacher in the world but basically this makes it very easy for you to make a lot of money and hopefully replace your current income twenty one hundred dollars is I think it replaces people's monthly income in most countries in the world let's go into this and check this out we set up the product now we need to actually set up the place in which you're gonna sell the product which a website so the place in which we're gonna be selling the product is a website in this case it's called ding a listicle which is a great type of pre sell page that people like and that ad networks like and you see it says 16 legitimate ways to make money from home now with this you could sell 16 different products or you could sell one product 16 different ways we're selling one product 16 different ways and this is built this is split tested to work.
so as you'll see there's 16 different ways of earning money on a side hustle which is very interesting to people and at the end there is a link to the product that we are selling every single time right so here's another method to make money and work from home and then once again a link to the product which we are selling and all of this is written and I'm not gonna go too deep in the psychology here but it's all built to convert and help you make sales so I'm giving you this page to copy and all you have to do is underneath the Twitter ads section under place you will click this button that says copy my pre sell and this is where you will start setting up your website and when you click that you'll need to sign up for a free account with clickfunnels so you'll set up an account and if you can't set up an account on a site and you need that step-by-step help the internet business might not be for you it's just filling in the blanks with your own information I don't know your information so right here you will click Add funnel and also if you could let me know am I going through things too fast too slow let me know in the chat in the comments if I'm going too fast too slow etc I want to make sure that these articles are catered for you everything is about you so add funnel and when you click add funnel what will happen is the internet will go to space and back and you'll see it load so just like here you'll see slowly it will load when it's complete you will get a link that says view funnel so you'll want to click that link right there awesome so now you have your own web page but the problem is is that it is not on your own domain and ad networks want to see you have your own domain for security purposes they want to make sure it's like a real person right now it's on clickfunnels domain we have to get it onto your domain and there's another thing we have to do we we need to change out the links in this article on our webpage to be our affiliate links that we got from digi store let's change out our links first and then what we'll do is we'll go in and actually register a domain register our own website domain and then we'll go into Twitter ads to advertise it let's keep going stick with me if you've made it this far you're doing great so congratulations you've set up an affiliate account it gets a little complicated here but let's just keep moving forward it's very simple the way I explained it so first we will click Edit Page right here that button right there now on this page you'll see the whole page highlights that section of the page that's because this is what you call a WYSIWYG website editor you can change things to say different things you can say 7 unique ways to lose weight in 2020 or you could say 15 skincare routines that celebrities use daily you can use it to market anything you want in a very holistic informat and we'll scroll down here but what we're interested in is editing the links so we have a link right here so what we'll want to do is want to click that link lick it twice and we'll see we can edit or we can input a link URL right there so what we'll do is we'll just take the link that we have from here.
we'll copy it right there and then we will paste it so it's our link when people click on it and we will do that for every single link that appears on this page promoting the work at home secrets book and then what we'll do is you'll want to click Save when you're done doing all of those links save right there so right up in the top right corner we'll click Save and then to go back you'll click this button that back button right up there beautiful we edited our links so now we have a page and you can even test the links and you can look on the page and you can see that they're going to your links you know you can look at you know copy link address you can make sure that they're your affiliate links if you know you're new to this website and you don't trust or you can go to digi store itself and you can actually look on your dashboard you can click on your own links and you can see if you're actually getting clicks to your link okay you can go there you can go to the reports and analytics so you can check different ways to see if your links are actually getting clicks now back to the clickfunnels page what we want to do next is we get our own domain for this so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go over to this area which says settings right in the upper right and then we're gonna go over to this area which says domain on the right side keep in mind the interface may change from when I'm shooting this but you'll see this little button that says add or edit domains and you want to click right there and up will pop a new window which see I have a number of domains but you'll want to click this button which says add new domain right up there towards the top right of the screen it's a big button now after you click that button you'll want to go to where it says register a new domain right now it has two selections add your own or register a new domain so you'll want to click right over here ok and you'll want to click specifically this button where it says add new domain choose a domain it doesn't really matter what you register you can register your full name your first name and your middle name your middle name and your last name however you want to do it you know I would do something like Bitu's work at home advice oh great so Bitu's work at Bitu's work at home dot advice dotnet Bitu's working for you so we have a lot of options here so this is gonna be 20 dollars ok so for those.
who are like don't have 20 dollars maybe go to another articles that show free traffic methods that you can actually learn how to post links for free from this isn't for you like this is where you stop you're not going any further sorry but for those of you who are actually going to do this and commit it and you're all in register domain you're gonna spend twenty dollars and you're gonna get yourself ahead 99.9% of all other internet marketers so this is what you need to do if you really want to grow a scalable business that does six figures or more so right there twenty dollars and register your domain and it'll load now first of all congratulations if you made it the step pat yourself on the back if you registered a domain type below say I did it or type in what your website is you know or I registered a website something like that because that's a big accomplishment okay that's a huge accomplishment most people never register a website that gets scared or they think it's technical right the Internet's gonna like reach out grab them and start strangling them and slap him in the face and say you're stupid the Internet's not gonna do anything to hurt you right it's $20 and it helps you create a six-figure business so at this point hopefully a lot of the weak players are not watching this article anymore and hopefully you are actually taking action I'm really excited and really proud of you for registering a website that was one of the biggest hurdles I had to overcome personally I wasn't successful in affiliate marketing for years it was because I had this unbelievable aversion to like registering a website I just wanted to post links places or just advertise my affiliate links which you could do back then and make money it makes it ten times easier to do it with a website it's way harder to make money without a website so if you made this step you're a head of literally 99.9% of other marketers that are trying to start an online business and do affiliate marketing so gradual ations pat yourself on the back congratulate yourself get yourself up a drink or a massage or something whatever you do and let's get back into this but type in something below let us know that you did it because that's a really good thing.
those of you that are just kind of watching all you kids on you're at your portrait mode and mobile phone stuff go down and congratulate some people that actually did it congratulate them say dude awesome stuff because it is very scary situation to register a website it was for me I don't know why I thought the internet was gonna like slap me it's it's a big deal okay so here we are back on the clickfunnels dashboard okay so we're under the clickfunnels where it says funnels and we're gonna go back to our funnel which is right here and we're just gonna click on it now what we need to do now to link up our funnel to our website is to go to this area which says settings now that we've registered our website and this area right here we need to go to domain and we need to select this drop-down right there and the website I registered is new career advice dot-com I'm just gonna select that then I'm gonna scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page and I'm gonna click Save and update settings years as I said I love marketing but technical stuff always kind of scared me most of my ads were failures because I never set up presale pages and once I started using presale pages I started earning six figures and that was the biggest roadblock I had in my early years it took me four years to really seriously start using presale pages but once I did start using presale pages to market products online that's when things started getting fun that's when I quit my job that's when everything happened so I really encourage you I teach a lot of free traffic methods on this website but you can make money that way but you want to make the real money you want to make the big money you go into ads that's why I teach a course the super affiliate system showing people step by step by step the process to getting good so here we are we have our website and finally we're set up and we're gonna copy this link and save it down in our notepad so copy this link this is the link we're gonna advertise there we go that's our link we're gonna advertise now the next step of this is we're actually going to go down to where it says people and we're gonna sign up for Twitter ads so there's a link I provided a link to Twitter ads to make it easy basically you will go to Twitter ads.
your account will probably look new you'll need to sign up for a Twitter advertising account so your account will be new it won't have any spend in it but you sign up for an account and you'll go through the process and once you sign up it'll look something like this you'll have a dashboard somewhat like this what should be the same is you should have an area which says create campaign now what you'll want to do here is you'll want to select this little drop-down and you'll want to select website clicks or conversions that's the type of campaign we're going to set up website clicks or conversions because what we're trying to do is get website clicks or conversions now once we're in here we have the campaign set up and notice that it kind of walks you through this three steps its campaign setup ad groups and then review and then you go once you set it alive you said it live so that'll be exciting so we're getting close to the finish line here so I'm just gonna say test you know test one two three funding source you're gonna have to add a funding source you know credit card or PayPal account or something to advertise so that's on you daily budget I'm just gonna say $10 and I'll say total budget is $50 okay to make sure that we don't spend more than $50 trying this out now if we spend $50 basically if you get one sale if you get one customer that equals $35 a month and that means you'll be making money after two months whereas if you get two customers that means you get $70 to customers of my ebook and website subscription and that means you get $70 so if you're using a credit card that means your cash flow positive from the get-go which means you can scale without needing any capital any money and you can just grow as fast as you want so that's how this works what we're hoping for with this $50 is that you get two customers that would be the dream then you're making money if you get one customer your kind of cash flow negative you can still make money so that's the goal to customers $50 to people to spend $1 right seems easy should be so the next step here is you go to next and what's been great about affiliate marketing for me as it's allowed me to live a really cool light I'd say in general traveling around so ad group name I'm just gonna do a test total ad group budget I'm just gonna type in 50 bid type we're just gonna do automatic bid and optimization preference we're gonna do link clicks so then we're gonna go back up.
click Next so now on the next screen we're gonna select our audiences you see it says audience demographics locations etc and audience features this is one of the final things that then we'll be creating our ad so again we have all of the steps right in here you can say gender men ages 35 plus locations any english-speaking countries language English audience features follower look-alikes Tony Robbins so let's get into this and set this up so we're gonna select men right here then we're gonna go here and we're gonna select age range we're gonna select ages right here and we're gonna do 35 and up so you see that drop-down and the reason we're selecting 35 and up is because most people pretty young are pretty broke then we're gonna go here and we're gonna select English and you see clicks ad see here's in English we'll just click this button that says add and feel free to pause this article along the way or to go back over things if you need to revisit things then locations will advertise in Canada no reason just showing you something different you can advertise in the US Canada whatever Australia Bahamas Jamaica then we're gonna go to audience features right here and we're gonna select something my audience would be interested in so we're gonna look up actually grant cardone and we're going to advertise on follower look-alikes of Grant Cardone Tony Robbins is another good example of somebody who could add focus on ty Lopez is another good example can try out different things again there's millions of people out there and we're only trying to get them to spend one dollar so I'm advertising the Grant Cardone followers and then what we'll do is we will go back up to this button right up here where it says next and click Next congratulations we're moving down the thing now we're at creatives we're almost done so right here is where we want to do something Twitter kind of tries to be sneaky and this is where experience comes into plays they're trying to get you on their audience platform we want to deselect this you can learn more about that clicking the eye button but basically it's not good traffic we want just these placements but then what we'll want to do is we'll want to create a tweet so you can create a tweet right here so I already created a tweet for you sixteen illegitimate ways to make money at home and then I have my website but I'll walk you through how to create this tweet right here so what you'll want to do is you'll want to actually just take this headline sixteen legitimate ways to make money from home and then we're going to include our website which is right here and we can go like this and then we want to add a article right there.
I gave you a few good articles that you can use with Twitter in the resource guide you see you have three different articles that you can use you can download them all by clicking on the article and then clicking download right up there and it will download the article onto your computer now what this article looks like it's a flat ashlee article built to get people's attention it's what we call clickbait it works this is some fancy watches people who are looking to work from home might be interesting the nicer things in life so especially people following Grant Cardone so this is gonna get their attention this is definitely gonna stick out when they're scrolling through Twitter and will get the click you're gonna want to upload your article to Twitter I already uploaded it and then we're going to want to select it so right there we have our ad and we're gonna say tweet so remember this is selected as promoted only so you don't have to worry about this going to anyone so here we are I just went back to the campaign creative area and you'll see that you have your promoted tweet right here what you'll want to do is you want to select this button to make sure it says promoted only tweets so you can view the tweet you just created right there literally I just came back to this page and it just had refreshed all on its own you might need to click refresh depending on what browser you're on but right here it's like promoted only tweets and then you want to select the tweet that you're going to use to advertise so I'm just gonna select this right here and then I'm going to click Next so here we are we get to review everything and we have an overview of our campaign details all we do now is we click launch campaign right up there in the top right corner small button and we're golden yes if you've done this so far if you actually did all three steps say I did all three steps you've registered for an affiliate Network that can pay you money you created an income opportunity you've got a place that you you set up a website which is a highly sophisticated thing very few people in the world have done but you didn't just register website you set something up that's built to sell people from a top affiliate marketer and you set up an ad so you can reach people you've done 99.99% of the work to making a real income this is scalable it's passive and it's easy you literally set up the whole business model and all you need to really do now is first off you need to congratulate yourself I'm really proud of you.
you be proud of yourself I'd love for you to post down below and I'd love for everybody watching this to congratulate each of those who have made it through this hour to set all this stuff up also let me know and you say I did all three steps let me know how long it took you okay I'd love to know how long it took you because I'm assuming you had to pause the article a number of times to set this whole thing up so you can start making commissions and again you're spending $50 you get a few sales you get two people spending a dollar and you are making recurring commissions of $70 a month you get five people then you're making recurring commissions of a hundred and seventy-five dollars a month and you'll be at $500 in three months from $50 in ad spend so congratulations but you've tapped into one of the biggest business models easiest business models to get started with and I remember when I've got started an affiliate marketing when I figured out how to use presale pages and advertising I was marketing a gold investment program back in 2012 and my investment I was spending $5,000 a month and I was making back $50,000 a month so you have to add two extra zeros to each of these but that's how I got my start and that's when I quit my job and it there aren't many businesses that can allow you to do that that can allow you to go from working a job one month to making $50,000 the next month it's incredible it seems ridiculous but this is what's possible when you tapped into a business model that's scalable that's cashflow positive that is based on performance you're using leverage you're using the internet and you're using advertising which is scalable again you have all the right elements going for you so congratulations and if you're looking for a more step-by-step way to getting good at this right this article is a shot of adrenaline if you do this first off you are on a marketing high you've done a shot of adrenaline but if you want a step-by-step process to really get into the nitty-gritty.
and understand why do listicles work what other type of pre sell pages are there what is it about ad network compliance how did I decide to write my ads the way I did what is copywriting how do you get good at it how do you test things what if it doesn't work out initially how do you get better over time how do you look at your data how do you make sure you're getting clicks how do you make sure the clicks are effective what is a good conversion rate what does a click-through rate what is a good click- through rate all these questions about how to do affiliate marketing really getting into the business model and if you're excited by marketing in the process of it then this might be a good freedom business for you and I encourage you to get my six-week course super affiliate system it contains a lot more trainings a lot more step-by-step things again my blogger website their shots of marketing adrenalin 6-week curriculum step by step to lead you through the path of becoming a real marketer and it also includes a certification program if you're looking to use this for a company or get a job it also includes a lot of coaching and support and resources we have a whole community and we have coaches weekly live sessions you can even possibly sign up for weekly live sessions with me in a group setting you know there's a lot more stuff there's a lot more templates a lot more resources there's a lot more support that you're given when you sign up for the super affiliate system so I highly encourage you there should be links in the description or if there aren't links in the description people who follow my website feel free to post links in the chat with your affiliate link to my course but basically that is if you're looking to become the ultimate marketer and really take this seriously as a business model you'll want to check out my course because it goes over this in much more detail it goes over my process which is people place product in much more detail this was fast this was fun I hope.
give me some feedback was this too fast was this too slow do you not even want to learn advertising because you have to spend money I understand this articles gonna deter a lot of people because it does cost money I know a lot of my audience is international so if this doesn't turn you off that you know you're having to spend fifty dollars oh my god right I'm some random guy on YouTube but if that doesn't deter you let me know if that does deter you let me know I need your feedback because I need it to create better articles for you in the future and also make sure to hit the notification bell to see future articles of mine once again looking forward to talking soon and share this article with other people if you really like marketing and if this excites you I hope I'm transferring my enthusiasm for this wonderful wonderful subject of study to you and this wonderful way of making money you know it's changed my life again you can subscribe you can check out my story if you want but I look forward to teaching you further in the future and talk to you soon peace .

MzB B2
Author & Editor
Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.
8:19 PM
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